Text: Welcome, Critical Curating, The Algorithmic State, Lexicon, On Site, Roulette color-coded sections

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Changing Concepts of Curatorial Enquiry: Care, Ethics, and Research

Henk Slager

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The Curatorial is an extension of the research, thinking, discussions, and activities of the practice-based master’s program, MA Curatorial Practice, at the School of Visual Arts in New York. The journal, as its title suggests, is concerned with the breadth of thinking around the subject of what constitutes curatorial work, with references to the past, to current ideas and projects, to instances of institutional reckoning and extra-institutional practices and provocations, and to how all of this might shape the future of the field. There are always questions and controversies, urgencies and speculations, matters of resistance and resilience to be addressed. They all have a place here. Our long-form essays, interviews, conversations, portfolios, and videos intend to foster interdisciplinary discussions among diverse voices at the curatorial intersection of art, culture, philosophy, and politics.

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